SNL Just Released a Holiday Ad That Parents Say is Relatable AF

SNL always keeps us laughing (especially this time of year)— and their new Macy’s parody ad is our favorite one yet.

The holidays are here! ‘Tis the season for chilly weather, family gatherings, festive parties, and… fighting with your kids about clothes, as SNL so accurately points out.

In their Macy’s parody ad, cast members struggle to button their precious babies into adorable onesies with way too many snaps, blow dry appliquéd dresses that didn’t come off in time during a trip to the potty, and beg their kids to put on their uncomfortable shoes already —all while a cheery voiceover describes the season’s sales.

Deals on, “boys merino wool sweaters that won’t fit over his head” and “snow boots that are so hard to put on that it’ll strain your marriage,”— leading parents everywhere to say, “yeah… this sounds about right.”

So, if you’re in need of a laugh or just some good ‘ol fashioned commiseration this holiday season, look no further than this video.

Thanks for the laughs, SNL!